The Problem

Honda was rolling out the new redesigned 2022 Civic Hatchback and wanted to make a big splash on social. The only problem? A very tight turn around within a limited budget; this whole project needed to be concepted, produced, executed, and delivered within a six-week timeline. 

The Solution

Using a tryptic as inspiration, we created a visual story of all of the versatile things our demo audience could do in this stunningly sporty car. We chose catchy music that perfectly reflected the vibe of our target: young men who are looking for a city-sized lifestyle vehicle that is fun and ready to drive.

​We created two :15 second hero versions, one music-forward and the other centered around sports. Each of these versions had a :06 second cutdown and all videos were edited specifically to fit 16:9, 1:1 and 4:5 aspect ratios so that we could post them across all social channels: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, TikTok and Twitter.

Both the client and their social following were thrilled at how these spots turned out resulting in a very successful digital campaign.


The thought behind this music-centric idea was that our demo audience loves all things music and gaming; whether that be listening in the car or checking out an epic music festival. We wanted to make sure they know that the hype starts with the drive to the venue and doesn't end once the show is over.


Our target audience loves being active and getting outside and the Civic Hatchback has room for all of their hobbies and so much more. Whether it be bringing tons of equipment for a full on game-fest or letting their buddies come along for the ride, this car is always ready to drive and play.


Creative Director: Sarah May Bates
Art Director: Maiqui Layaoen
Copywriters: Alexis Johnson, Gabriel Lichstein


For one of our monthly social we collaborated with one of the car influencers on social media to create a series of Hidden Honda Hacks.
We received great responses online and helped Honda vehicle owners learn more about their cars.


Creative Director (Art): Romeo Cervas
Creative Director (Copy): Paul Fung
Art Director: Maiqui Layaoen
Copywriter: Gabriel Lichstein




ampm SOCIAL, DIGITAL & more